Setting the Record Straight on Moissanite and Diamonds

In the world of gemstones and jewelry, clarity is just as important in communication as it is within the stones we cherish.

At Zanvari we believe in crystal clear information that should be provided to the customers.

Among the various gemstones available, diamonds have held a place of distinction for their beauty, durability, and symbolic meaning. 

However, in recent years, moissanite, a gemstone first discovered in meteorites and now commonly created in laboratories, has risen in popularity as an alternative to diamonds.

Despite their visual similarities, calling moissanite a diamond is not only inaccurate but also ethically questionable. This blog explores the reasons behind this assertion, emphasizing the importance of transparency and integrity in the jewelry industry.

Material Differences

First and foremost, diamonds and moissanite are composed of entirely different materials.

Diamonds are made of carbon and formed under high-pressure, high-temperature conditions deep within the Earth's mantle.

Moissanite, on the other hand, is made of silicon carbide.

These material differences contribute to distinct physical and optical properties.

For instance, diamonds are the hardest known mineral, scoring a 10 on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness, whereas moissanite is slightly softer, with a rating of 9.25.

Moreover, moissanite exhibits a different type of brilliance, often described as more fiery or rainbow-like, compared to the classic black and white sparkle of a diamond.

Mislabeling moissanite as a diamond overlooks these fundamental distinctions, misleading consumers about the nature of the product they are purchasing.

Value and Pricing

The value of a gemstone is not solely determined by its appearance but also by its rarity, durability, and the market demand.

Diamonds, especially those of high quality and size, are priced significantly higher than moissanite due to their natural rarity and the extensive process required to mine, cut, and polish them.

While moissanite offers a more affordable option for consumers seeking the look of a diamond without the associated cost.

Representing it as a diamond falsely inflates its value and can lead to customers overpaying for what they believe to be a different, more valuable stone.

Consumer Trust

Ethics in labeling and marketing are paramount to maintaining consumer trust.

Consumers rely on experts to provide accurate information about the products they are investing in. Deceptive practices, whether intentional or born from a lack of knowledge, can lead to disillusionment and skepticism towards the jewelry industry as a whole. This not only harms individual consumers but can also tarnish the reputation of ethical sellers and diminish the overall market integrity.

As consumers become more informed and conscious of their purchases, the demand for transparency and honesty only grows stronger.


At Zanvari, we hold transparency and honesty as the cornerstones of our values, especially when it comes to our gemstones and jewelry collections. We understand the importance of trust in the relationship with our customers, and it's a principle we never compromise on. That's why we are committed to ensuring that our customers are well-informed about the true nature of the products they choose to invest in. In alignment with this commitment, Zanvari guarantees that we will never mislabel or call moissanite a diamond. We believe in celebrating each gemstone for its unique beauty and properties, ensuring that our customers make their purchases with confidence and knowledge. At Zanvari, misleading our valued customers is simply not an option; we strive for clarity, not just in our gemstones, but in every aspect of our business.